Consumer Terms
By clicking NEXT you agree to be contacted by an Ivy Course Advisor. The information collected in this form is required to facilitate your enrolment and will be handled and stored in line with Ivy College’s Privacy and Data Provision, Collection and Records Management policies.
These policies can be located on Ivy website.
Under the Data Provision Requirements 2012, Ivy is required to collect personal information about you and to disclose that personal information to the National Centre for Vocational Education Research Ltd (NCVER).
By completing the ‘Get Started’ section you agree to be contacted by an ABS Senior Learning Advisor. The information collected in this form is required to facilitate your enrolment and will be handled and stored in line with ABS’ (AIM Business School) Privacy and Data Provision, Collection and Records Management policies.
These policies can be located on the AIM website
ABS reserves the right to verify any of the details you have provided on this form in order to assess your application.
By completing the ‘Get Started’ section you agree to be contacted by an ACHW Admissions Consultant. The information collected in this form is required to facilitate your enrolment and will be handled and stored in line with ACHW’ (The Australasian College of Health & Wellness) Privacy and Data Provision, Collection and Records Management policies.
These policies can be located on the ACHW website
ACHW reserves the right to verify any of the details you have provided on this form in order to assess your application.
By clicking NEXT you agree to be contacted by an AIM Course Advisor. The information collected in this form is required to facilitate your enrolment and will be handled and stored in line with AIM’s Privacy and Data Provision, Collection and Records Management policies.
These policies can be located on the AIM website: Information and Policies.
Under the Data Provision Requirements 2012, RTO code 0049 (AIMET) is required to collect personal information about you and to disclose that personal information to the National Centre for Vocational Education Research Ltd (NCVER).
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